Now a days there is information overload in the social media regarding virus and immunity. Yes, it is enhancing our knowledge but be little skeptical before following it completely.
Raw foods, Licorice (जेष्ठमध), Lemon etc. are very healthy but the claims associated with such foods regarding the immunity are not entirely scientific, for example the Licorice and its effect on the blood pH…. first of all, our body maintains the pH level of the blood regardless of what food you consume. So, any claims like, alkaline water or a food item will help to maintain the pH of blood are not true. (Alkalinity of urine is entirely different matter)
Licorice is good in conditions of cough, cold and mucus secretions, but people having high blood pressure, any heart condition or kidney disease should be very cautious of using this. Licorice can cause high blood pressure, water retention and also interferes with some medicines if taken for long period. Similarly, regarding Lemon juice and Lemon peels. Lime it's very good source of vitamin C, Flavonoids Antioxidants but if you are planning to have it two - three times in a day then you have to take care of your teeth. The high acidity of Lime can cause tooth enamel erosion.
Secondly The Lemon peel should be preferably organic, it should be thoroughly washed so that the pesticides and the wax coating is removed. Also eating peel is not recommended for people having high Oxalate levels in blood, migraine and in gastric reflux.
So, you can see that a food can be medicine for one person but can be poison for another.
It is always better to be little cautious and see if its suitable for you. That is why I always say an individual assessment is must.
Our immune system is a complex thing. It starts right from the mucous membranes of nose mouth respiratory tract, gut flora, lymphatic system bone marrow, hormonal glands etc. That is why we have to think of immunity as an overall health.
Yes, you should have protective foods, but having only one kind of food is not recommended
Things to do for better health are -
1. Wholesome nutrition consisting of enough proteins and micronutrients - vitamins, minerals like zinc and antioxidants. Eat variety of natural foods, bright colored seasonal vegetables and fruit, berries, nuts and seeds.
2. Drink sufficient water
3. Moderate exercises
4. Manage your mind because stress hormones reduce immunity.
5. Enough sleep 7 hours at least
6. Avoid smoking and alcohol in moderation…. rarely
7. Good hygiene
Try and follow the healthy lifestyles for at least 80% of the time
This may seem like a daunting task but trust me it's not...:)
There are ways to do it taking into consideration your lifestyle, your needs, your likes and dislikes.

Live healthy & Prosper!